Wednesday 30 December 2015

Cosfest Xmas Good Game 2015 // dec 26&27

Konnichiwa minna-san ~
it seems almost like a decades since i last typed out a blog entry (haha) i should stop being so lazy i suppose? i am feeling a little off for not typing a blog entry for so long, i hope my english doesn't kills anyone who is reading this

where should i begin, hmm...lets start off with introduction of my cosplans for the cosfest xmas ( which was over a few days back )

Hai~ As for day 1 it was left blank with a question mark, while on the other hand, day 2 has a photo of 2 kawaii ojo-san (yay~)

Anyway on day two, i was cosplaying as kyoko-chan from the anime known as, katekyo hitman reborn. It is a series that began airing in the year 2004 until the year 2012. 

Yes, KHR is counted as one of the oldest anime series, okay maybe not as old as detective conan haha.. i still remember how i would wait for the anime every single week, and cry over how the main heroic (tsuna) when he gets hurt or how i felt so proud of his growth. 

Back to the main topic, basically, i didn't cosplay for day1 on cosfest xmas haha because i didn't had any characters in mind, however i still had a great time catching up with my mates. 
We kept laughing continuously almost the entire event... i hope our laughter wasn't a disturbance to the members of public (opps)

Anyway, some of you might be wondering what is cosplay? 

well, in my own point of view, 
i guess cosplay begins when you watch finish an entire animation, you start feeling so much for the characters and then you begin falling in love with the anime characters.

Thenceforth, you would come down to a conclusion of wanting to look like this particular character from the anime.
Due to the developments of feelings for the characters and towards the anime.

Another reason for the strong desire to cosplay might also be the way how the characters are being portrait. You will witness their growth, in addition you will grow to realise that each and every characters has their own story and uniqueness. 
In some ways, anime characters can also be related to yourself as well.

Sharing of images/Appreciation Post ~
first and foremost, i'll begin with the photos i have taken during the event~

Day 1 Cosfest Xmas :

ebi chan and misaki~

from the left hand corner: misaki, jeremy, zenith ~

yui-san, kikkawa-san~

yui-san, idk sorry>< and doris-san~

chris-san and ayasuki-san ~

Thank you for the lovely christmas gifts~ i really liked them a lot!!

Day 2 Cosfest Xmas :

full team #khr

Bianchi, Tsuna, Haru and Kyoko~

Dino's guardian and Dino-san

ryohei nii-chan and gokudera-kun

Firstly, thank you ebi-chan for buying this lovely christmas log cake to share with the khr team :)



Yato Santa, Todou-kun, Yukine-san

Hibari and Kaito Kid

Kitska-san as tokiya (yay) sadly sensei isn't here :<

Finally (TAT) sankyuu minna for the christmas gifts once again, omg too much love from everyone !!

now, i guess it is time for appreciation post for my beloved~

I will start off with my lovely khr team
Appreciation post part 1 ~

Of course we must begin with the boss right?! HAHA
(the background needs to be blur though..)

Hiryuu Misaki (Ikemen Tsuna):
Thank you for the kawaii gift!! i really like the usagi mouth mask hehe, definitely will make the best use out of it when there is haze or other events HAHA~ and thank you for giving me some advices about my studies !! looking forward to our akatsuki no yona and khr future cosplans (yay)

Natsume (extremely lively Hibari):
i hope you will get well soon, i'm really worried for your health more than anything else right now~ the baka doctor (hmph)...okay...thank you for the yummy candies hehe, i hope i'll finish them soon haha~ can't wait for our detective conan cosplans, am looking forward to it! #detectiveconantrash HAHA!! by the way if you need a listening ear or anything, do text me alright!! cya on friday~

Ebi Chan (KHR team Leader Haru):
Thank you for the christmas gift! i could tell that you have put in a lot of sweat and tears in preparing them, i am truly sorry for not helping you to pay at least half for the log cake...sighh feeling so guilty...Also for the sake of the khr team you even sacrifice sleepless nights to prepare the best surprise (video) we could have ever asked for, i'm so thankful to you. Without you this team wouldn't have been formed *cries* lastly, thank you for being so friendly in for inviting me to the khr team !!

Ayasuki Bel (The very sexy Bianchi):
Thank you for the lovely christmas gift from taiwan~ i haven tried the sweets yet but i'll eat them soon (cause too many options to choose from) anyway thank you for being so friendly and even volunteer to help me with my o'lvl studies hehe, i'm looking forward to our akatsuki no yona cosplans in the future!! hope to eat more of your poison cooking again~

Chris (Friendly Dino) & Rong Jie (Dino's guardian):
I'm glad u like the tattoo i had drew for you hehe~ if you need help in drawing tattoo or etc, do feel free to ask for my help!! andd thank you for the christmas gift together with rong jie + the kisses chocolate~ Really grateful to have met the both of you! looking forward to our future cosplans together hehe!! 

Zenith (Joker Yamamoto):
Thank you always being so friendly and the conversation starter haha, i hope you won't lose your wallet ever again!! (but then i guess, you are bless with the christmas miracle haha) looking forward to our akatsuki no yona cosplans and khr again haha~

Jeremy (quiet gokudera):
Thank you for the yummy chocolate haha!! awww sadly, that you can't join us for our khr team shoot but it okay!! there is always a next time~ looking forward to our future khr cosplans again! ouh, and i would like to see you draw an animation next time haha!

Louis (quiet and yasashi no ryohei onii-chan):
Thank you for the lovely christmas gift! the hand-made card was really creative and cute haha, it was really unexpected haha~ tbh, i haven eaten the pocky and hello panda yet HAHA too much food to choose from, okayy.. looking forward to our akatsuki no yona and khr future cosplans haha~ cya again next year! 

Thank you team #khr ! 
i'm feeling so emotional omg, it sounds like we are parting...
anyway cya lovelies again in one year time! 
photo credits to : Reeves Photography

Cosfest Xmas appreciation post part 2 
for ship sailing ~

Yui-san : 
Thank you for inviting me to cosplay/anime events, without you i wouldn't have learnt so much things! i am really looking forward to our first group cosplay next year! i can't wait, i'm really bless to have a great friend like you *cries* love you lots!! lets definitely go for a shoot together one day!! 

It was really nice knowing you HAHA, never expected that our first cosplay meet up together with kikkawa-san during afa could hit off so well HAHA, tbh, it was the first time for me to talk so freely and openly about our ships** haha, really looking forward to our upcoming cosplans, i think after my olvl, lets do a lot of shoots together with the rest!! and thank you for always being so hilarious!!

YES MAKOHARU hahaha, okay we are always overly excitied, i am so grateful to have met you and the rest! thank you for being so friendly and open, although we have only known each other for less than a year but i already feel like we are good friends who can talk forever already HAHA, thank you for always cracking jokes! 

Zeno Jin:
idk son, work hard to cosplay! oh wait, yes i disowned you as my son already HAHA, okay remember to collect your christmas gift from me!!

Si Ying:
Yes i haven forgotten about you! aww, it such a pity that you couldn't make it for cosfest haha! it okay, there is still next year~ i hope you have enjoyed your oversea vacation~ cya soon!! 

Cosfest Xmas appreciation post part 3 for
internet tomodachi ~

Fujisaki Doris : 
Thank you for the lovely art as christmas present! i have kept them well in my cupboard hehe, really grateful that i had gathered up the courage to speak to you in carousell last time~ i hope we get to cosplay together in the future! you are really FRIENDLY like really, i hope all the best for you in the future! i am really proud of you to have work hard and enter lasalle, i believe you can excel in anything if you believe in yourself and strive for the best! cya soon!

Misaki Tomonori:
aww, your christmas present is still with is alright! i'll give you another one next year haha! it was really nice knowing you! we should chat more hehe! hope to cosplay with you one day! do not be afraid to approach me haha! and do take good care of your health alright? it seems that everytime i text you, you are sick *sob* 


Lastly, i'm sorry if i didn't typed out an appreciation post for some of you!!
if you think i have forgotten all about you, i didn't alright HAHA, okay! 
thank you for spending your precious time reading my blog entry!
gonna update again...soon...maybe after my OLEVELS next year..idk haha *cries*

To conclude,
Happy New Year Eve !!
(by the way, it is 3am nearly 4am in the morning already omg..)
明けましておめでとうございます! と、 ありがとうございました !

anime photo credits are taken from google 
do not own the animation photos !

Sunday 18 October 2015

Graduation Day 2015

In an blink of an eye, i have finally graduated from my school
i do not know if i should be crying one's eye out or jumping for joy to express my feelings.  Reason being, i am actually a NA(normal academic) student, so i am required to return back to my school for another year to pursue my o'level studies and attain a o'level certificate (STRESS)

HOWEVER! there is one thing which i am feeling elated about is that my N'level examination has finally ended peacefully... i am just waiting for my results to be out during the December.. 


four years has passed so quickly, which i thought it wouldn't just did..
well, i never expect to grow up so fast, but like what they say " time waits for no man." 
 Today's entry is basically about sharing my appreciation towards some (annoying) people in my life HAHA...

*photoshop bi qi*
AHH QI, idk what i should type...I HAVE SO MUCH TO DEDICATE to you HAHA.
Thank you for being the best besties i could ever have, i couldn't imagine a secondary school life without you omg, i am sorry you had to spend a lot of time to entertain me haha, thank you so much in many stuff. LETS DO WELL FOR NEXT YEAR O'LEVEL EXAMINATION! LOVE YOU LOTS! *muacks*
it is such a pity that you missed graduation day for thailand..

recess clique 99
Let's work hard again for O'LEVEL EXAMINATION!!

meet laila on the left side and qistina on the right hehe

it was great knowing such a lovely person like you! my moon buddy hehe
thank you so much for all the good times and laughter you have brought into my life! stay beautiful and strong! do text me anytime if you need someone to relay on, i will be here for you!!

Laila, my best poa partner
i do not know where should i begin...but i have so much to thank you for,
having you as many partner for the past one year, poa has never felt boring!! i still remember how we spent most of our poa lessons from giving advices to korean pop/drama and motivating one another to do well for our studies, those days were truly one of the greatest time, thank you my chingu! all the best in life and i will miss you LOTS!!
LASTLY, もありがとうございます for the graduation day gift!


KAD! the sweet and gorgeous lady
firstly, kasahaminda na chingu for baking the most delicious brownie as graduation gift (daebak) like i said before, you have the talent for baking do consider investing in the f&b industry i would be a regular customer of yours HAHA. 고맙습니다 for being the best recess clique for the past 3years, i really enjoy the time where we crack jokes, have heart to heart talk and eat together HAHA LOVE YOU MY CHINGU !

First and foremost, i would like to dedicate my thanks to lezah HAHA
okay, i sound so formal. ANYWAY, you truly deserve the name; #no1 laughing pill, to begin with, you have never failed to lighten up everyone's mood and help the clique to make the best decision. I believe you will be a great mom in the future! and don't forget to introduce to me your "bangaladesh" boyfriend next time HAHA

HEYY GIRLL, it was great knowing you for the past 3years (although we are in different class) i always found you and nazirah the second funniest in our clique, i still remember how both of you would argue in the most funniest way HAHA, omg I WILL MISS YOU SO MUCH GIRL!!

Hai, shaliha-san, thank you for being the most awesome tomodachi, i really enjoy how the both of us would speak japanese during math lesson and sensei totally don't understand a single thing we are talking about! thank you for always supporting me in cosplay and many etc.. let meet up real soon alright! during AFA, REMEMBER TO LOOK FOR ME HEHE~ (^-^)

faris (the annoying tall guy),
haha thank you for being my reading period partner for the year...okay that all annyeong!

cat-san, knowing you was one of my luckiest moment in life.
you who introduced me into the cosplay world, supporting me behind my back, i have so many things i would like to thank you for, yet typing them out would be endless, i am extremely look forward to this year AFA. Lets do a group cosplay if it is possible! もありがとうございます in many ways!

Jasmine, i have so much to thank you for! you are undoubtedly a extremely nice person, thank you so much for always taking the time to invite me to your church and participate in all kinds of activities! you have helped me a lot in terms of interactions with others! ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR OLEVELS! i hope you will score with flying colours! HWAITING!

Jie min, haha it was nice knowing you although we don't hang out often! you're  someone who is very easy to talk to when we first met! All the best for your o'level examination! you can do it haha!

Zi Ying, nice to meet you haha! thank you for being so friendly and the photo, all the best for your o'level examination! i believe you can do well.

Kelsey, haha i know we barely know each other since you just recently joined our recess clique but it was fun having you in our group although it was only for a short period...i hope you can continue stay cheerful! looking forward to our coming outing to jcube for ice skating hehe

Kelsey,  Jing yi and Michelle (minnieloverholic)

one of my best cca mates, love her so much. She is a really amazing person and i am bless to have met she who is so unique. If you are looking for someone to talk to, she is one of the best girl to look for and she will always have you behind her back! All the best for your o'lvl examination! lets meet up soon after your o'level together with our drama gangs! you can do it! hwaiting!

clerissa, i know it was a little awkward to ask a photo from you haha! but lets cosplay together one day! hope to hang out with you soon!

Mdm lim, English and form-teacher.
Thank you mdm lim for being so caring and worrying for my weak health! i will remember your hard work and dedication!

Mr Tan, the most daebak poa teacher i have known HAHA
alway enjoy attending his lessons, also he is one of the most motivating and nicest teachers (who allow me to eat food in his lesson)

Nadzirah (the annoying bimbo botak red spect girl)
my korean die hard big bang chingu sighh, yes i know you love GD with great passion like kelsey HAHA, are one of the best girl i have met, i love the time how we would fan girl suddenly and discuss about korean stuff endless together with Kadijah, i will miss you so much...thank you so much for the bimbo letter, i know you love me a lot (sighh) HAHA a little thick skin here arh...anyway why you never take single shot with me arh? HAHA, nvm lets definitely take one the next time we meet up alright?!

** i look so horrible here..**

Mr ong

Thank you mama low for the sweet and short card,
 ahh qi for the dream catcher and rebecca for the touching graduation gift

YAY i got the colours award (silver)
polaroid with loves
finally, もありがとうございます for the graudation gift lovelies!

I AM SORRY IF SOME OF YOU I DIDN'T WRITE AN APPRECIATION POST! because i guess i took polaroid with some of you lovelies instead of a photo! 

i am the one in white long sleeve top posing a peace sign haha, this photo was like taken two years back during cca display day when i theme was on "horror?" i think so (.-.)

Story telling time ;

Basically, when i first entered this school of mine ( which was not my choice, in actual fact, a school which i was forced into... anyway its a long story..) i was feeling awfully upset and resented my parents for not considering my feelings nor decision, resulting me having thoughts to transfer to my desire school 

During my second year ( secondary two), that year my parents supported the idea of mine however in the end i didn't transferred because of a friend of mine( its a long story)...even though i had already finishing all the transfer documentation preparation.. well, i am not sure if i regretted that decision? but somewhere down in my heart i no longer feel that way, instead i am grateful to have chose to stay in woodland secondary school.

All in all, i am immensely glad that i was a part of the woodlands family, 
to have met so many wonderful people.
 Secondly, to be given the chance to be exposed to many leadership roles since secondary one from class chairperson to subject representative (like geography, science, art..) to camp leaders, co-circular president, peer support leaders and etc.. okay it sounds like i am boosting :( NOO 

To end off, i would like to thank everyone for the extraordinary and sorrow memories. 
i wish all of you, all the best in life, and i hope years from now, even though we are walking different roads we will make the right decision, and not forget our goals in life.
To conclude, i hope we will continue to remember one another, and one day when we do meet one and another on the road we would stop by and greet