Saturday 29 April 2017

W39 Bistro & Bakery Cafe - Advanced Birthday Celebration

What makes a good start of the day? 
If you were to ask me, i would probably answer you this. 
A motivating morning definitely comes with a warm cup of coffee/tea.

Recently, i had the opportunity and time to visit W39 cafe which i spend one month delaying the trip (opps but yay~)
It has been on my mind for quite sometimes to take a short trip down to Jalan Mas Puteh and try their popular menu.
The reason why it took so long for me to go there was simple, it was on the other end of Singapore and the travelling time is just so tiring. Despite all these, the meals prepared was awesome and i had a really great time there. I even tried a new type of dish which would never cross my mind hahaha:p

Sadly, the interior design was not like how i imagine it would be and was smaller than i had expected (opps) 
On the other hand, the ambiances was great and the furniture are just so cute^^ in the way that they designed it in a 90s retro inspired style. 
Also, i feel that having a small library corner is a fantastic idea in a cafe!! i mean for people who do not know what to do with the day and wish to kill time outside, they can just order something simple and read a book.

However, the outside was much more spacious and is an ideal place to do your studying!! ( Yes. The place is quiet and kinda ulu ulu? But trust me, there will be no one to disturb your precious studying time)

Flat White at $4.50
The coffee was quite ordinary? didn't really left me an impressionable taste?
*A* plus point for the heart though hehehe

* i don't quite like this photo because i look old and ugly here...;( *
#should have sleep earlier the night before?!

Parma Ham Toast at $11.90
This dish is simply just amazing. The truffle oil goes especially well with the ham and cheese. Paired together with the tomato and toasted bread *bang* 
The overall taste doesn't leave me feeling so oily or disgusted, instead it was the opposite. Everything tasted so healthy that i was tempt to order a second hahaha except that the price didn't made me ask for more hehehe.

Ribeye Steak at $28.00
My friend ordered their steak and i asked to have a bite of it. The meat was so soft and juicy, when dipped into their home-made sauce *wah la~* you will be satisfied for the rest of the day. 
The combination was even nicer when you wrap a small bite of the beef with their vegetable, maybe it is just me? This dish is definitely worth the try for beef-lovers. 
(got the idea to wrap meat with veg from eating korean bbq:)

Overall, the experience there was comfortable. Would i make a second trip? Probably not, looking at how i need to take a taxi ride or wait for the bus. Still, it was worth for a one-time trip haha:)

Returning back to jurong~
& before heading to W39 Cafe #ootd

39 Jalan Mas Puteh, 128637

Working Hours:
Monday to Friday from 11am-10pm
Weekends from 9am-10.30pm

Thank you for reading!!
*featuring my neko helium balloon meowsu~

A meal at Andong Zzimdak - Belated Blessed Birthday Celebration

2nd Blessed Birthday Celebration

A simple meal at Andong Zzimdak. 
Located at the basement 1 of City Hall Raffles Shopping Mall. 


Just like most of our usual outing, my bestie and i would go all around Singapore hunting for food to eat.

My 18th celebration with her was a simple one because debby was busy during the month of February, we just decided to settle down for a meal. 
Before the meal, i was complaining non-stop about how bad i felt for having her treating me to a birthday meal because i didn't know what i would like for my birthday present? haha and i thought it might be better for her to save up money before her poly school reopens (yay;)

( hopefully i have some ideas by the following year haha)
Radish and Kimichi. 
The radish was sweet while on the other hand, i would have preferred if the kimichi was less sour haha

Steam Egg 
the strong flavor of sesame oil used? was the enhancing taste of this dish.
It is definitely worth the price paid for and worth the try, would recommend this dish if anyone do visit this korean store. #oiishi

This is the 2nd recommend dish from me.
The skin of the chicken is super crispy and crunchy,
 every single bit would leave you a irreplaceable impression. It does goes well with the honey mustard sauce however i like the karrage best at its original taste.

Cheese Tteokbokki
Not my cup of tea haha, but is perfect for cheese lovers and those who are afraid to eat spicy food. Would have preferred if they were daring enough to cook it real spicy :(

Our visit in the afternoon was peaceful hence those who are seeking to have a silent meal for lunch, this place might just be the perfect venue for you amongst the crowded city life.

#definitely a bad hair day haha

Really thankful to have her in my life!!
Thank you for the delicious treat hehe
#blessed; couldn't ask for more^^

Ended the birthday date with deborah at Esplanade taking photos.
Thank you for reading my blog! Hope you guys will continue to give me your support!! 

Thursday 27 April 2017

18th Blessed Birthday - Reasons to be thankful

Every year when my birthday arrives, i don't put much thoughts into wanting to celebrate this so-called "special day". I mean who cares if i am having my birthday? I have tests to study for, cca to attend to and most of the time, no cakes to celebrate with me back at home (cause i am too old for cakes?)...

Just in case, anyone is curious muhahha, i am offically a free person because i have already graduated from my secondary school last year (yeppie horray!) Back to my post hahah

Worse birthday? probably never but i got the worst comment when i was 17 (studying for sec5 o's) it was from the "new cca teacher in-charge". She was super arrogant and was being an ultimate asshole. (trust me, i dont usually use vuglar words but i can't help it...anyways we can get back to this in the later dates haha)

However coming to the age of adulthood 18.

I began to think differently regarding birthday celebration. For the first time, i honestly wanted to have a good celebration between my friends and families. Although it was not like those fancy celebration and how i had imagine it would be haha but i supposed it could be considered a quite memorable one. 

We met up at the station in the late morning and grab a cab to marina barrage (yay richkid99 i'm just joking) the entire ride was fun and we had many small talks. 

After a long ride we head straight to our picnic venue and began my little birthday celebration.

#teamgeek ; yes i wear glasses haha

surprised with a bottle of apple cider because i had turned 18 wooh~

was getting slightly bored so we started playing various card games.

birthday present <3 thank you ladies!!


Reasons why to be thankful for birthday celebration:

1. You can't turn back time, and you will only be a particular age for once in your entire life. No one can be eighteen for a second time, hence we must all learn to be appreciative of growing old.

2. Despite how difficult life treats you, or how harsh the environment you live in. Everyone is born for a reason, a purpose. Don't ever doubt for existence. 

3. You have friends and family who care dearly for you regardless of your mistakes, imperfections.

I believe there are many more reasons why we should be thankful but i will stop with three.

Photo credits belong to its rightful owner, free! iwatobi.
Thank you for reading my blog <3 EVERYDAY IS A HAPPY DAY~