Monday 14 October 2019

Packing for a trip before D-DAY

Having survived the toughest final semester as a year two student, I successfully concluded my submissions and was smoothly promoted to year 3 *insert clapping and ovation* 

Studying in an art college is really tough and everyday is real hectic. The arts education does not simply focus solely on improving our technical skills as well as building on our historical knowledge etc, truthfully, there is so much more to learn than you can ever imagine when pursuing an art diploma. But let's not touch on that hahahahah

Summer holidays! The long awaited time of the year. How could I go by without travelling? It was such a improtu getaway trip when  my cousin and family got together and decided to plan a trip to JAPAN~
Technically, we only bought the JAL tickets 2weeks before the trip, which was crazy because the flight tickets was skyrocketing almost every day (arghhh) regardless of the cost price of the flight ticket, it was still worth every cent of my moneyπŸ’°πŸ’°  

Moving on, me who is a lazy ass bum only decided to pack my luggage the night before my flight....In all seriousness, I sometimes question myself why am I like this too HAHAHAH *died* Yes, I was stuck on deciding which plushie should I pack for my trip, please laugh at my idiocy. 
side note: it took me a good one hour before deciding on bringing my Luffy boy  and the entire bunch of small baby plushie you see inside the photo hehehe.

Comfort over beauty. Converse is always the best partner to trust your journey with. Growing up, I hated the idea of wearing covered shoes however, as I grew to this age. I realised that I actually loved comfortable shoe more than anything else. Such contradict haha, well can't help it with the love-hate relationship I had with covered shoes. :P 
Growing up with this brand, Converse is no longer any ordinary brand to me but a fashionable wearable that has because part of my culture! Without doubt, I'm bringing this pair to Japan with me!

Thank you for reading the short write up~ 
More writeup has yet to come, so please do look forward to the next post!! 

Friday 28 June 2019

Relaxing day at Millenia Walk (Singapore)

I'm back again with yet another food entry! 
Just a few days back, I met up with two friend who I haven't seen for weeks! There was much catch up to do hohoho~

Known as a glutton, I head towards Pullman Bakery at the Millenia Walk upon arrival. To get myself a piece of melon bread which cost $1.30 !! As excited as you are, the pricing for the bread at Pullman Bakery is rather reasonable in comparison to most bread shop I have been to. 

Following next was a bowl of yummy Ebi-Udon I have gotten for myself at the store Tsuru - Koshi.

The soup base was extremely light and easy to slurp. With the addition of some chilli spice sprinkle, a magic touch was made. Further enhancing the taste of the soup. On the other hand, the tempura Ebi shrimp was crispy and not too salty. 

Patisserie G
Not far away from the udon store, we ate at, there lies a hidden gem in the mall. 
A humble dessert shop selling delicious pastries and beverages. 
Recommended by my friend, we sat down outside the cafe and ordered a pot of chamomile tea together with a number of cakes to try. 
Their signature cake, the G-Spot at $9. 

The combination pairing was well-thought out. Their dark chocolate mousse that doesn't taste nauseous even after a few bites and the Hazelnut Praline Feuilletine as the base, that share a hint of Ferrero Rocher was extremely flavourful. I believe it would be a cake perfect for people that do not have a sweet tooth. 
Tiramisu at $8.80. 

What I loved about this cake was the dark chocolate with cocoa powder covering the top layer of the cake. The Rum-Soaked Pavesini Biscuits was not overpowering, sharing a taste of matureness.  
Blueberry Fromage at $8. 

Soft like cloud, the spongecake coated with white chocolate and crunchy feuilletine is the ultimate taste of sweetness. Coupled with yoghurt cream cheese with blueberry carefully calculated to be position at the peak and blackcurrant jam hidden beneath it. The sourness that slowly spread around your tongue after a single bite, made a comeback surprise bringing one away from the ultimate sweetness. I would say that this was my favourite choice among all.
Can you see the *kira kira* on top of the cake? it's so pretty hehehe 

Manekineko Karaoke
After a relaxing time at the cafe, we head to karaoke next to hype ourselves up with the remaining time left before the day comes to an end.

It was my first time at the Manekineko and I love the concept of free-flow of drinks and the variety of snacks to choose from!! 
To end off, we had our dinner at the Sushi Express and concluded our day! 

For anyone who is interested to try out the food mentioned in today's blog entry, below are the addresses of:

Pullman Bakery: 
9 Raffles Boulevard, # 01-97 / 98 Millenia Walk, 039596
Opening hours for weekdays are from 7.30am to 9.30pm 
Whilst, weekends are from 8.30am to 9.30pm 

Tsuru-Koshi : 
9 Raffles Blvd, Singapore 039596
Opening hours for Monday to Sunday are all from 10.30am to 9.30pm 

Patisserie G : 
9 Raffles Blvd, #01-40/41 Millenia Walk, Singapore 039596
Opening hours for weekdays are from 7.30am to 9pm 
with the exception on Friday at 7.30am to 10pm 
Whilst, Saturday is from 9am to 10pm and Sunday from 9am to 9pm 

That's all for today's entry^^
Thank you for reading~

Thursday 27 June 2019

ONE PIECE / γƒ―γƒŽε›½ (wano country) figurine

Series : γƒ―γƒŽε›½ / ONE PIECE
Character : Luffy-Tarou

It was on a fateful thursday at LanTendo (singapore) when I came across this figurine. Luffy-Tarou was one of the last few individual hanging on the metal bar.

Almost immediately and unconsciously, my hand reached out for it. 
In the moment as I held on to him, I had a difficult time deciding whether to get the figurine. Considering the amount of merchandise I have been investing on the past few years and the status of my bank account HAHAHAH. I still got him in the end....

The line up of the six characters for the Wano Series. Includes:
Tashigi, Nefeltari Vivi, Nico Robin, Tranfalgar Law, Zoro-Juurou and Luffy-Tarou.


Thank you for reading my short update!!

Wednesday 26 June 2019

New Hair Color

The hair color I dyed this time is ash brown but slightly on the darker tone as I didn't want to bleach my hair hehehe >///<

ANYWAYS, been a whole year since my last update!! I really miss blogging alot!! 

Just recently, I finally had the time to visit the hair salon and got my hair done *happy girl* Haven't had the time for any self-care after getting into art college.

My simple daily life was pre-occupied with assignments 365days:(( 
During school days, I often felt like I am on a roller coaster ride without any break. (Yes, school and home was my best friend) I literally didn't had what normal people would say a "so-called life" opps :<

However busy I was previously, I really wish to get back to blogging again during my current term break!! Hopefully, I will be able to slowly build up my blog again from scratch and be consistent with my updates!!  
That's all for today's short update!! 

A photo with oka-san hehe

Monday 17 December 2018

Positiveness is a choice.

Well, if you read my blog long enough and follow my social media. You would probably know that I don't ever voice out too personal opinions. Unless, it gets to the point whereby, I don't wish to talk about the issue with anyone else and type them all out. 

Social media to me, is a platform whereby anybody can use and if not used correctly? it can actually backfire. Therefore, I am always conscious of what I post online. Also, another reason why myself is so strict about sharing only good vibes and positive content as much as I can.

Before I continue typing out this entry, let me confirm that this post is not directed at any particular person. In all simplicity, it is just thoughts which I feel the strong urge to share. 

My motto has always been to "Spread Positivity." Till today, the fact that I wish to make the world I live in a better place for the people around me and myself haven't changed at all and will not. 

Staying positive is not easy mentally, it takes courage and a constant effort to practice the attitude. No one is born with a happy-go-lucky personality, neither me. We're all humans who face failures and struggles in our everyday life. Thus, sometimes, I slightly dislike the way some people think that it is so easy for someone to be positive or even push it off by saying positiveness is a personality. Well, it is not true, Positiveness is an Attitude.

Easier said than done. How can one even become optimistic all of a sudden? you are probably questioning. There are really simple choices which you can make. To create a happier world for yourselves and others.

1. Don't overthink.
Stop pondering so much about what has not happened yet. What will happen in the future, will happen. 

2. Do what you can do now.
Remember, Mistakes are made so you can learn to become successful. 
I always believe that mistakes are not failures. That failures are the accumulation of success that has yet to come. 

3. Be kinder to yourself. 
It's okay to blame yourself but don't do it so much that you hurt your soul and your heart. Practice loving yourself. 

4. Learn to be nice to ourselves
If you are feeling upset, treat yourself to your favourite food or do anything that would cheer you up. Once you feel better, remind yourself with good thoughts. 
In general, we all tend to vent it out on others when we are in a terrible mood, but the other party doesn't deserve to be hurt. Be nice to others and ourselves.
Because nobody, including yourself, deserves to be treated badly.


When we are at our lowest, we often isolate ourselves and selfishly brood over our misery. However, we should not allow ourselves to be occupied by the demons in our head. Instead, we should defeat them by reminding ourselves about all the better things that have yet to come. 
Surely, it is not going to be easy but please know that nothing has even started, hence, don't label an ending for yourself. Everyone is afraid of many things but it is also important to be brave and courageous towards our fears.

Believe me, it is true. I understand the overflowing sentiment when your world feels like it has fallen apart and nothing you do can mend it back to the way you wish it would. So many times, you wish you can turn back time and re-do all. 
As much as we want to, time doesn't return. 
Thus, don't look back, You look ForwardIt's okay, everyone will experience how it feels like to hit rock bottom.

I cannot emphasise strongly enough that, positiveness is a decision
It is definitely not a constant lie to ourselves.

You don't put on a smiling mask and appear saying that you are positive. 
Positiveness is to be carried out with an attitude, a mindset, that is constantly thinking on the brighter side. Forget about the fears, for there is always time to create a better future. Grow to become fearless of failures this is how you become positive towards everything that tries to knock you down. 
Remember, No one is born with a positive personality. 

Also, don't surround yourself with people that influence you negatively, stay away from them. 

Another personal opinion of mine would be to never hold onto grudges and remind oneself to forgive. We would only be drowned in the hateful cycle if one doesn't learn to forgive. Forgiving doesn't mean forgetting, you forgive to make your heart feel lighter and take the experience as part of growing up. 
Don't create regrets that destroy tomorrow's future. 

Forgive others for any mistakes they have commit. 
Forgive yourself for all your immaturity.
Forgive for the reason to build happiness and not feed on hatred. 
Because mistakes do not define someone and we all make wrong decisions in life. Every person and even ourselves deserves a third chance. 


Regardless of your background. One should never think only about their suffering. Every living soul has enough problems to deal with. Whether they are short-term or long-term, please remember that you are not the only one who is going through difficult times. Your parents, friends, teachers or strangers all have their own problems to solve. We are all the same.

Sometimes, the solution is actually very simple. Which is why I cannot emphasise how important it is to reflect on yourself. To clear your thoughts of train and really think before you speak your thoughts or even have the intention to share them. 

- Learning to control your emotion and thinking process is part of growth, also, yourselves being empathic towards other's point of view.

- The significance of being nice to people. The world is already cruel enough to live in, why make things more difficult and complicated for another? Be Nice.

- The importance of listening when someone is standing in your shoe. 
Don't act so immature and just listen, sometimes, it's just you who thinks that the other party that is giving you the advice doesn't understand you. But in actual fact, you are the one who doesn't understand. 

As social media becomes a huge part of our everyday lifestyle.
There is definitely nothing wrong about sharing our voices online or offline, for that is perfectly fine.

Talking things out, posting short status, writing them down in a book, typing it out in words? is without a doubt, a method to relieve one's mental health.
It's everyone freedom of choice to decide their course of action in life and we should not judge them for it.

However, I disagree to the extent of spreading negativity and affecting others with the same state of mind. In all personal opinion, encouraging such a negative mindset is just so wrong...and the most self-centred act of anyone. 
Such intention whether on purpose or subconscious is a total inconsideration towards one's partner who truly cares. 

Words are like an invisible knife that stabs. Don't hurt others because of your incompetence, learn to blame yourself before you blame someone else for anything. CHOOSE YOUR WORDS WISELY. Depending on the choice of words, it can change someone COMPLETELY. 

You don't have to be someone amazing to spread positivity. You do so by appreciating and respecting others. 

Start with the people around you, and STOP INFLUENCING your negativity onto others. BE APPRECIATIVE AND BE NICE. 

Remember, Positiveness is an Attitude ;)

I hope everyone can be happy every day!! 

Tuesday 14 August 2018

Free! - 七瀬 遙 Photoshoot BTS

Before I begin this entry, let me give a brief introduction about the animation, FREE! 

Basically, Free! is an animated Japanese series that was first aired back in July 2014. Directed by Hiroko Utsumi, the story is about how students of similar interest in swimming come together. To understand more about the beauty of this anime, I highly recommend watching the animation hahaha!

(Anymore description would be considered to be a major spoiler, thus I'm keeping it real short) 

As you can probably guess from the images I used~ my favourite character is indeed the protagonist, Haruka Nanase. (In my personal opinion) He is one of the most perfect men among all the other characters! I love all the other characters as well. That being said, the most deserving of rank 1 in my heart would be Haru-chan.

You might be wondering? What made me fall in love with this character. Well, its hard to explain and put them into words... The first factor I can think of would be the fact that both of us love water/ swimming. Similarly, I find that he is a character which I can greatly relate to. 

Back to the main entry~
This update is only a short type up on what happened behind the scene. 
There is no upload of shoot photos in this blogpost. As the photos will take some time for them to be send to me and be edit by my friend and I.

Before my school reopen, I badly wanted to plan a shoot for my baby boy since I have not done any proper cosplay shoot this year? Therefore, I felt that I really have to be more passionate in my hobby. 
ALSO, THE ABOVE SELFIE is a photo of myself in incomplete makeup. SO SORRY TO MEH FRIEND ;((
Meanwhile, for those people who doesn't cosplay and probably cannot understand why i would cross-dress just to cosplay as the character? 

Well, cosplay is a hobby that I personally enjoy. Thus it is understandable if some cannot relate to as people all have different hobbies right? 
Also, I know I am still not very good at my hobby like with my cosplay make up and such..Regardless, I really don't care how others view my hobby for I just want to enjoy what I like.

The reason why many people cosplay is extremely simple, it is due to the love we feel strongly towards the character. Which is what makes people want to express him/her by becoming the character themselves. There is a saying that goes: "when you don't have your waifu or husbando, you become one yourself." HAHHAHH

Arrived at City Hall, we hurriedly queue up for KOI. 
** digitally drew out the above KOI cup, was in a rush so I totally forgot to take pictures.

Originally, we arranged to meet at 12pm to shoot my cosplay *w* hehehe~
Disappointingly...I WAS LATE AGAIN, furthermore, for a whole two hours... I am such a disappointment. 

Thankfully, I have god-sent friends who are always so kind to forgive me...Nevertheless, I still feel real horrible for being such an ass as to be late. #prayforyume 

Having bought our drinks, we head towards our first destination. The Singapore National Gallery Museum~ Sadly, I didn't take any photos again as we were too occupied with shooting! However, here is a selfie of us! 

Following next was the Esplanade,

I was extremely worn out when we head towards our second venue to shoot which explain the cubbiness of my face;(

Felt extremely thankful to have the best photographer and SK. 
I cannot express how grateful I am to have them! My friends literally prepared so many things which never cross the back of my mind. They brought a portable fan to ensure I don't get heatstroke and umberella to shelter me from the sun. ε“ͺι‡Œζ‰ΎθΏ™ζ ·ηš„ζœ‹ε‹?

Also, I cannot imagine how tiring it must have been for the both of them to stand under the heat! and my besties SK for carrying our bags and etc without any complains! Thank you guys!!

That pretty much concludes everything! If you are interested in the photoshoot outcome, please stay tune until my next update!!

Monday 16 July 2018

Amethyst Crystal Necklace | & ONE PIECE - Birthday Gifts

School as my first priorty, I never placed any importance in my birthday. Nevertheless, I was extremely thankful to receive surprise gifts from my dearest friends. 

From Bryan and Amane!!
Thank you so much for the present <3 I love the necklace alot!! 
Extremely thoughtful from my dearest friends and the gift that has taken my birthday stone into consideration!! <3 

On the other hand, a surprise gift from Fujiruu as well!! 
Although we haven't known each other for very long but thank you so much for being so sweet!! 

One Piece!! Monkey D. Luffy!! HUSBAND MATERIAL HEHEH <3 
Love the keychains so much!! Thank you once again!!