Sunday 20 July 2014

Enjoy Life || Lunch || Tuition.

Goodnight lovelies HAHA.

Sorry for the late update today! To sum up my day today, it was average..i guess? 
well, i actually had my first tuition after like 6years? 
i was incredibly nervous, i didn't know how should i behave or do during tuition..but at the same moment, i was also really excited and looking forward to it.

Thinking back now, i think it was quite a great day for me hehe? my tuition cher was very friendly and nice, and i am truly grateful to have such a opportunity to get a tutor.
Ever since young, i've been studying and learning everything by myself, i was train to be independent and nothing else. 
It was actually quite hard for me, but soon i had gotten used to doing things all by myself as
I had to rely on myself, and there was no one beside me to help me out when i needed someone to rely on, so i studied really hard till now..
until this year.. when i had suddenly lost the motivation to study.

 i suppose for "most" Singaporean students, everyone dislike tuition very much as i'm always hearing complains from my friends that tuition is so boring and all,
When hearing these complain, i thought to myself, i wouldn't have such thoughts if i have tuition.

The reason is i guess i have actually been envy of people who have tuition and yet they don't appreciate how much money their parents have spend on them.
i know it sound so stupid to you guys, who might be thinking that it's stupid to be " envy of others who have tuition."

i don't live in a rich family, 
i have to work hard for the things i want.
Getting a tuition is like a present for me, not because i love studying or anything.
It's cause,
 it's the way my mum can express her love for me, by spending more effort in working to earn more money to pay for my tuition fees.
I couldn't be more thankful and bless, although i only have tuition once a week which is only 2 hours long.
What i'm more thankful is, my tutor who is a university student is so nice as to give me tuition at half-price.
The main reason why i have a tutor now was my mum felt a sense of guilt when she saw me crying the other time..
i suppose she didn't knew i was crying all the time when stressing about this shitty subject..i also felt a sense of guilt when i saw my mum was in a mist of tears after seeing how stressful i was..

Originally, i wanted to take art as my subject, however my whole family was against it...
Everyone insisted that "Art has no future, and it is useless." each time i heard these hurtful words, i felt depress and heart breaking, not getting any support in the things i do.

My subjects was chosen by my parents.
My secondary school as well, i was forced and i let them choose.
so..i seriously don't know what i am doing with life? when i don't even get to choose what i want.
There is this one question, i am being questioned every single time, " Geolin why didn't you took art? you have such talent. "
i didn't know what to reply..i had no words to say..
In my heart, 
i was always..always thinking..why couldn't i choose my own subject?
what can i do? i can't go against my parents, as for me, i thought 
" as long as my family members are happy, i'm fine." however, i realised one thing,
" Their happiness, doesn't truly make me happy about my own life. "
I don't blame my mum for the choices she had chose for me, as i know she is worrying about my future. 

This particular subject which made me really stressful and even lost the will to study.
Even let me had the thoughts of wanting to tear my book and papers or even burn them..
I wanted to RunAway from reality.
i cried almost every time when i was alone doing that subject..i didn't understand a single shit, well even if i did, i couldn't even do well for it.
My #OOTD ;-)

My pretty steady.
we were at the Japanese restaurant #MOF located at AMK HUB.
It was my first time being there hehe, i had a enjoyable time and meal there.

omg, see, my best friend is so beautiful, sighh..
i cannot..*.*


Usagi .
(( meaning rabbit in japanese. ))




I thought that uploading these 6 photos was troublesome, as usual, i made them into a college.

Just their layout for the utensil.

Introducing to you the yummy frappe !
The drink we are drinking is called the ; Chocolate & Banana Frappe.
the price of this drink is $7.50.
I wouldn't say the price itself is reasonable, but if you are sharing with two person, it is affordable and the price won't be too expensive either.
i would strongly recommend you guys to try out this drink, 
it has a sweet taste of chocolate being combined together with banana, it taste very refreshing together with the whipped cream.
 i think it is like a energy drink? this drink is actually very fully after you drink it, so i would suggest that you share it together with your friends.

#selfie #drinking #frappe.

OMG, i know, it looks like ORANGE RIGHT HAHA.
NO ! you're wrong! 
This is " Japanese Mochi, An Bun."
i wouldn't suggest you to eat this alone either.

The mochi bun is cover with red bean inside and a bit of banana thingy? it does taste nice however after quite sometime, you will realise it is very sweet, i guess this would go well with green tea? since the combination of green tea forever goes well with red bean food.

me showing off my mochi haha

because it was written recommend inside the menu and not forgetting it is STRAWBERRY (( MUHEHE.))
and it is only $5 YES! IT IS THIS CHEAP !

it look nice and taste truly yummy too hehe.
(( except for the strawberry )) oops haha.
would return for more of this yummy ice cream in the future haha.

So fine sighh;* i guess i do take some good photos HAHA.
i would like to thank my steady for accompanying me through the day today with me to my tuition because i felt afraid and etc.
i can't describe how thankful and grateful to her.
Thank you for today and cheering me up as well, i couldn't imagine my life would be, if she hadn't enter my life as my best friend.
no matter how many time i say this, i'm sincerely thankful to god for letting us being best friend.
(( anyway my tutor was actually surprise when i told that "she is my best friend ever since primary school." haha

#Throwback post of last week.

So last week, in the morning i met up with my steady for lunch at Mac'Donald.
I had the MacFlurry Ice-cream while my bff had the Fish burger meal set.
I wasn't that hungry on that particular day as i had breakfast earlier in the morning hehe.
Afterwards, we headed down to our usual hang out place which is at somerset.
we went to lucky plaza for the very first time, it wasn't a great experience there, i didn't had a good time being there as i didn't felt comfortable with the air over there, i went out of the shopping mall after an hour as i was feeling dizzy.
Due to my dizziness which i was feeling, we walked back to scape and rest at our favorite dessert shop, TeaTozz.


I ordered this Passion Fruit Green Tea. 
this particular drink taste kinda weird for me, as i normally go with red tea, it was my first time trying out passion fruit with green tea though..
As for you guys i am unsure about the taste, if i should suggest this drink...hmm, idk haha, lets just move on.

oh, for teatozz if you pay a few cents more, you actually can get to choose whatever toppings you want and you can put as much as you want, but please only take the amount you can finish haha.

My steady ordered this, manga something i don't remember? 

This is called the idk what pearl? i think they call it the magic pearl or something.
oh! but the ice itself taste very nice though hehe.


Lastly, to end off my blog post for today, thank you for surprising me with a handmade rubber friendship band haha, love it a lot cause it is in BLUEE ~ HEHE.

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