Wednesday 25 March 2015

Food Hunt at Orchard Takashimaya.

Occasionally, spending alone time is necessary to recharge oneself from the stress of being surrounded by people. Thus, I decided to head down to town to spend some time alone and treat myself to delicious food.

While pondering where to go, I ended up at Orchard Takashimaya and decided to randomly grab some food for lunch.

Entering into my sight was the Modanyaki stall selling their well-loved Japanese street food.

Bought a packet of okonomiyaki noodles and it was kind of way too salty for my taste. Didn't really liked it but still finished the food. 

The Japan Fair that was in season.

Cakes and Wagashi. 

To end off, I got myself a sweet potato bread for dessert? Didn't taste as sweet as it appears visually but it tasted alright!! Worth the try;))

Thank you for reading my short post !!
Hope you readers, would continue to stay tuned for my next update!! 

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