Monday 16 December 2013

L2P [ Licences2Play ]


On the 6-8 DEC 2013, was actually L2P which is known as the " Licences 2 Play ". Basically, what is this event all about? well.. This event is like a " Eat, Play, Flea ". There are many games for you to try it out and the best part is, all the games are FREE PLAY !! awesome right? Not only that, they have competitions as well as lucky draw. 

i think that L2P is highly suggested to gamers because it is a event basically created for gamer to head down to the venue and play a match against each other while having fun together as a team...And you may be wondering? why did i go to such a event even though i am not a gamer myself HAHAS. The reason was, my favourite teacher was going to the event and cosplay therefore, i also decided to go together with my anime bff to support our teacher and the other cosplayers together ♥︎

Both of us actually went for both days which was on the 7 and 8 DEC. This is in fact the first time i been to L2P, i had a lot of fun over there, it was really a enjoyable weekend i had spent together with my love ones hehes.. Secondly i also had a lot of great buys and free stuff given to me, i was like supber happy when i gotten the free gifts hehes. Lets just move on to the photos my friend and i had taken HAHAS.

DAY 2 ( 7 DEC ) ;


Sensei & Kits .

free red bean ice-cream hehes.

group photo(;

The BEST PART WAS !! the blue checkered tee which i bought is actually $5.90 and its original [ usual price was $49.90 ] SO CHEAP RIGHT?! SUPER WORTH IT HAHAS . #HAPPYGIRL


coupons for cheap purchase of burgers and etc .

oiishi nuggets

the meal set, yui-san and i had ordered together hehes.

That's all for day 2 HAHAS, did not take much photo hehes, was having too much fun that i had forgotten all about it.
Day 3 ( 8 DEC ) ;

Preparing for cosplay ! still in doing touch-up for my make up and wig !
Luckily my anime bff ( Christopher-sama / Yui-san ) was there to help me out with my wig, i will definitely die without her help ! i feel kinda useless HAHAS..

Inside Le washroom with sensei.

flower pose hehes...awkward...

Kits, singing was so kawaii ♥︎

she also dances very well !! 

i think this guy is worth being mentioned, he really sings very well♥︎
i couldn't believe my ears when i heard him singing, i fall in love with his voice hehes..i feel that he is really talented(; 

This lady over here is also worth the mention ! She also sings very well..her voice is  quite impressive! i loved how she sang eternal blaze during cosfest♥︎
all the singers who sang, i feel that they are all very talented in their own areas.

after finishing walking around all the booths, we went to find our sensei and friends to hang out together hehes.

lucky me hehes. kawaii-desu.

Hot dog bun for lunch. THIS THING COST ME $7.00 !! totally not worth it at all ! it doesn't taste that delicious too !!

Day 3 group photo ;)


This particular day is actually the surprise i had mentioned on my pervious blog entry hehes, i will show u the pictures later on ! I do hope it will become a surprise for you guys, because to me it was my very first time trying out to take photos like this ♥︎
I'll first show the horizontal photos followed by the photos taken vertically.
[ i must say it is actually quite tiring though to get the perfect shot !! ]


i think this picture looks ugly...
Especially because of the direction my eyes was looking at..




this photo looks kinda weird?..


will i ever reach you?

edited version ; 

edited version ;

edited version ;

back view muhehes.

ignore the black thingyy *photo bomb* HAHAS.

the pose didn't turn out the way we expected..instead it look super weird because it is like i am missing one leg..

resting hehes.

edited version ;

original photo♥︎

After edited ♥︎♥︎


random shots

ありがとう ! Yui-san

idk why my wig so messy HAHAS.

[ Please note that, all stated *edited version* are done by me personally. ]
O jikan o arigatōgozaimashita. = thank you for your time. > 

Also do follow me on instagram and twitter account at ; @yumegeolin_
Lastly ! Feel free to ask me any questions at ;
many thanks.

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