Wednesday 6 November 2013

CCA planning;Texas Chicken for brunch.

Hello again*~*

HAHAS...ANYWAYYY!! Gonna write up about how i spent my day today so ya? This morning i had CCA otherwise known as 
co-curricular activities, i had to return to school to discuss about how to plan the upcoming camp for my juniors who have just joined our CCA this year ! It isn't easy to come up with many games ideas and create a perfect plan but i believe all the students who had planned this camp including the teachers have worked really hard to ensure it will be fun for everyone ! 

Anyway, i had fun myself too while planning such events with everybody ! because to say the truth, it is my very first time doing such a planning and i felt really happy as well as excited that i am able to work with others to accomplish our goal together as the student leaders..hehes..It was a fruitful day for us i suppose☺️

To discuss more about the details for the upcoming camp we decided to head for lunch together at the Texas Chicken. It has been a long time since i last ate at Texas Chicken because i didn't liked their chicken the last time i ate there..

At the Texas Chicken were very noisy. We laughed and talk really loudly that all the people kept on turning their head being interested to what we were talking about ! Especially when a group of guys kept turning around to see what was going on HAHAS..Even the Christ Church guys was curious HAHAS.

I had to crop this photo because there was a stranger who photo bombed my picture. HAHAS. 

Their fries tasted not bad, quite similar to MosBurger french fries but i think MosBurger fries are better?
There was more burned fries and i think it is very unhealthy? 

Their chicken nugget taste way way better ! than the ones at Macdonald. The next time i am craving for nuggets i will eat at Texas Chicken..
Actually, i was the odd one out because all my friends ordered the Tex Warp and i was undecided as i felt left out because i will be the only one who is gonna order the nuggets to eat..That was when my friend told me, eat what you feel like, follow your heart. Therefore i decided to confirm my orders and eat nuggets ! I don't regret this decision hehes..I didn't finish my nuggets because i was too full, instead i gave my last 2 piece nugget to my friend and senior ! HAHAS.
I am that type of person who don't eat that much i think ? Because if i finish the fries and drink finish half quarter of the drinks, i will not finish my food..If i finish my food, i will not finish half quarter of the drinks..I know ! FOOD WASTER..sorry..but luckily!! my friends and seniors was there to help me to finish them hehes..After we had finished eating, we head back home.

That is pretty much my sum up for today? BUBYEEEEE :D

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