Sunday 24 November 2013

Memorable Night; HARDROCKHOTEL; ONEOKROCK Concert; New friends.

Kon'nichiwa ♥︎♥︎

I would like to apologize that..sorry I haven't had the time to blog lately..i am really busy working part-time job during the holidays, it is SUPBER exhausting for me though.. And lately, it is kinda getting worst because I am dying due to insufficient sleep hours..

I had to blog about how I spent my day at HARD ROCK HOTEL urgently..I couldn't find time the past 2days to blog about my awesome experience I had spent over there.
Erm, I have been to a few j-pop concert before but i think it isn't as amazing and exciting as the one I been at Hard Rock Hotel, compared the concert i been last time and this concert, the one i experience at ONE OK ROCK concert really left a deep memory in my heart. Actually the past j-pop concert I been to , doesn't really counted as a j-pop concert I suppose? As it was just a mini stage which I stayed to watch when I was in AFA HAHAA??

Returning back to 2 days ago..I was like kinda lost on how to get to Hard Rock Hotel for like half an hour..ya;* I have never been to Hard Rock Hotel..but!! I have been to Sentosa beaches before! HEHES☺️

So when you reach WaterFront station, you will come across this lake to get to HARD ROCK HOTEL. 
(do not walk towards the place with stairs, which is the wrong direction..)

Walk to your left where you can spot the StarBucks cafe and you will see many other shops around there continue to walk straight.

Next, you will see a bridge that look something like this. 

There ! You have just spotted the Hard Rock Cafe.. 
[ To say the truth...I am not good with directions, I was like asking quite a few of the staff members how do i get to Hard Rock Hotel HAHAS!! so p.s.]

When I reached, this was how long the line was..Everyone was like already over there queuing up..


Yup..I rushed to queue up, trust me the line was incredibly long..

It was so long that we had to change the queuing up venue.

I was like over there deciding for an hour which to buy..I made a conclusion to buy Tee A, as I have mentioned before! I prefer B&W, so I decided to go with the B&W tee! Which was sold out after awhile!! I am so lucky to be able to buy that tee..Still it was quite expensive for me because I am STILL A STUDENT !!

When I returned back after buying my tee shirt, the line became longer, I didn't take much pictures of the queues because i thought that there are people who might feel irritated or upset. 


I know ! I know !! It is sooooo sooooo DAMM, COOOOLL*-* The background banner is the same as the icon on my tee shirt HEHES♡

The crowd who was infront of me. 

The most amazing part was, the huge amount of crowds standing behind me!!
And I was kinda thinking that luckily I came early♡♡

The concert getting started♡♡♡ WOOHOO! 


Really sorry for getting so many blurry pictures..couldn't get a proper one because it was too crowded..

♥︎ MY FAVOURITE VOCAL ♥︎ Singing whole-heartly. Really love his voice..

To end off the concert with a bow☺️

FANS CHEERING LOUDLY !! everyone was shouting for; "Encore!" 

Finally ! Able to get a proper picture of the stage HAHAS! 

After Taka sang the song "whenever you are" for the fans who were shouting "encore", all the fans cheered happily and thanked #ONEOKROCK. LASTLY! ♥︎♥︎PHOTO-TAKING SESSION♥︎♥︎

VIDEO SESSION !! ( i film it secretly..SHHH!! )
[ Firstly i would like to say, i didn't manage to film the video properly HAHAS..] 

My favourite song; The Beginning ,
i can't upload it as the amount of time for that video is too long...Blogger doesn't allow me to upload it..haiss..sob..sob...

That is all for the video, sorry for the bad quality.

Credits to ; Clara ☺️ 
[ sorry for my unglamorous face and mine awesome messy hair lols, was truly tired out after the concert. ]

The one standing beside me is Melissa, she is a very friendly person☺️ She was the person who asked me if I came to the concert alone and talked to me. Thank you!

The one standing on my right is Clara. She is also a very friendly person! She talked to me throughout the whole concert. Thank you too! 

It's so amazing that we live in different part of the earth but because of music, we were brought together. 

Maybe it was because we had the same interests♥︎ That why I met these lovelies and awesome peeps!! 

I still prefer editing my photos with B&W hehes.. The day I spent at the concert with these people I met, left a deep memory in my heart♥︎
* it's like I am the only one posing with my own HAHAS. IT'S OKAY !! HEHES☺️ * 


When we rested finished, we took a group photo, and left to Vivo City for drinks. Great moment spent with these awesome peeps!! 

Pretty much this was how awesome my friday was.
Thanks for reading!

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