Monday 4 November 2013

Happy Halloween Throwback

Hello ~ 

Sorry for the late post up !! was busy with some cca stuff..Also, i was busy watching my drama shows HAHAS..
Few days back was " Halloween ! " right? it was actually my very first time celebrating halloween, i have never celebrated stuff like that before..Anyway ! i went around houses asking for Treat or Trick hehes..the americans was in fact really friendly ! In fact, there were many who was well-dressed for halloween unlike me who was unprepared..Anywayy ! i took some selfies hehes..
It was my very first time putting on make up myself..I must say eye linear is really HARD to draw..i was like colouring my eye lid hehes..But luckily it didn't turned out to be a failure? not bad on my first try i suppose hehes..

Loots of sweets for the day ! 
The mummy package is a sweets which is commonly found outside known as jelly beans.

I want to share this rainbow candy..So..I met this qtpie just now, he gave me this rainbow candy and introduce himself to me. Afterwards when I walked past him again...He was like; "HIIE AGAIN, HERE IS SOME CANDY☺️" sadly I have forgotten to ask a photo of him #CUTENESSOVERLOAD
( actually the candy doesn't taste that nice hahas..)

After finish Treat or Trick, i went for dinner..I needed to find a seat to sit down because my legs was hurting badly and i had blisters ;(

It was my first time eating Waton Mee from this restaurant..Normally i order other dishes.. 
The Waton Mee is actually quite nice and the soup doesn't taste like it has a lot of MSG in it..I think it was quite a nice dish ! The watons tasted delicious because inside it is wrapped with prawn! 

The price is quite reasonable..Do try it out ! I am unsure if it is hala..hehes.
Thats all for today's post ! i will promise to write a longer post next time. BYEEE~

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