Sunday 27 October 2013

Introduction to J-POP band which i like.


Good Afternoon ! As promised on my previous post. Today's Sunday and i am going to share with you guys some J-POP which i love♥︎♥︎♥︎ 
Their songs are like part of my inspiration ! Yes, these are the music i can't live without..HEHES.

One of the main reason is because i have been listening and watching japanese shows, music since young hence i understand the japanese language..And this has already become part of my life like listening to J-POP music or watching japanese drama, etc.. 
The japanese band music which i listen to, has meaningful lyrics which i really love how the singer express themselves when singing the lyrics, it is like i can feel their emotion which they sing it with their heart. Ya, and these music really cheers me up when i was feeling upset, i still remember i even cried when listening to the music because the singer singed the song very well and the lyrics was just..describing how i felt so i was just so touched that i cried..this is a embarrassing thing to say LOL.. 

Let's hope this isn't going to be a very long post because, when it comes to such topic i got a lot of things to type about and it may also becomes boring to some of you who are not interested in J-POP..hehes..But believe me i got a feeling it is going to be a real interesting yet long post.. MUHAHAS.  
Lastly, have a awesome and great time reading♥︎ oh and ! it is kinda going to be like a Q & A post.

ANYWAY ~ back to the main topic..

The first band i am going to introduce is : ONE OK ROCK ♥︎
Formed in 2005 with 4 members. 

Vocals : Taka born in 17.APR.1988 / Tokyo
Bass : Ryota born in 4.SEP.1989 / Osaka
Guitars : Toru born in 7.DEC.1988 / Osaka
Drums : Tomoya born in 27.JUN.1987 / Hyogo

1. In this band [ ONE OK ROCK ] which member do i like the most? Why?


Taka. His is one of my favourite vocal singer. To begin with..He is the reason why i like this band [ONE OK ROCK], he has a heart warming voice which i love, the way he sing his song and expressing himself through his music video is really touching and inspiring for his fans, you can see that he really sings his heart out when he sings in his music video. His great voice is very unique, that i immediately fall for his awesomeness voice over and over again.

2. What is my favourite song in this band? 


I must say it is " The beginning ". I cannot live without this song. The reason is because listening to this song is one of the daily things i do in my life, you can also say that i listen to this song every single day at least once, i will never get bored with this song because this is the song which inspire me to never give up in my hardest time. I do sing this song in my head sometimes during lessons as well as during my exam HAHAS. This is how addicted i am to this song..HAHAS..I just can't get this song out of my head, it just repeats in my head all times like a melody... 
The guitarist and the drumist plays the beat very well, it is one of the contributing factors to this greatness. 

3. Did i manage to buy the tickets to ONE OK ROCK Live Tour in Singapore? 

Okay, The other day, i did post on twitter that i was really upset because.. In the middle of the night around 12-1am? i think? i went to check on google and search the SISTICS for the avilability of my favourite Japanese band " ONE OK ROCK " tickets to Singapore LiveTour on the 22nd November and while I was researching..I found out at the Singapore ONE OK ROCK Facebook page saying that the tickets was SOLD OUT?! and i became depressed like shit the whole night, I couldn't fall asleep and went to school with panda eyes around my face...I was really sad, in the mist of crying out in school and back at home..
Hence, my good friend decided to cheer me up by accompanying me to catch a movie " Gravity " which was mention on my pervious post..
AND I am very happy to say that ! " YES ". I've got the tickets to their LIVE TOUR IN NOVEMBER 2013 IN SINGAPORE. YAY?! 

It was one of the happiest day in my life to be able to buy the tickets to their concert.
Early Bird Ticket Price : $81.00 [ including $3.00 booking fee & GST. ]
Usual Ticket Price : $93.00 , and i manage to buy the tickets at the early bird price! 
I'm glad that i had checked the availability of tickets again at the SISTIC App i had downloaded in my phone. Also, i am happy that i had went down to SISTIC counter to check it out myself and ask about the details ! After being able to buy the tickets, i have no regrets in my life. Being able to buy these tickets..
I'm unable to describe how happy I am to be able to buy this tickets ♥︎♥︎♥︎

*** If you are interested in this band ! Do head down to SISTIC and get the tickets now before they are sold out ! or go to for online booking of tickets. SUPPORT ONE OK ROCK ♥︎ 

The second band i am going to introduce is : EGOIST//SUPERCELL ♥︎
Supercell is a Japanese 11-member J-pop music group led by songwriter Ryo,
which is formed in 2007. 
The other 10 members provide illustrations, animation, design, and photography in album booklets, cases and music videos.

Name of the members :
  1. Ryo [ music, lyrics ]
  2. Shirow Miwa [ illustration ]
  3. Huke [ illustration ]
  4. Redjuice [ illustration ]
  5. Suga [ illustration ]
  6. Maque [ illustration and animation ]
  7. Yoshiki Usa - at Wooserdesign [ design ]
  8. Hei8ro//Heihachiro [ support in illustration and photography ]
  9. Guitar [ support in illustration ]
  10. Crow [ support ]
  11. Golv [ support ]  

~ Introducing some Music Videos of supercell ~

Supercell // My Dearest 

The piano in this song is one of the main contributing factors to create such wonderful melody piece. It’s absolutely beautiful from the slow piano pace following up by the violin and then the rock elements of the electric guitars and finally the drums. Together these instrument bring about a strong untied music. 

Supercell // The Bravery. 

The electric guitar plays a melody which has a brave belief in it while the drums create a beat that has the beating of daring to do anything with the beliefs of their wills. This shows the bravery and bring outs the main music of this song. This songs tells a story of believing.

There are too many of supercell music videos, if you are interested you can check it out yourself at their YouTube channel. 
The main song which i want to share with everyone is,

Supercell // EGOIST - Euterpe 

This is my favourite song from Supercell. I actually cried from listening to this song..I feel that the lyrics is really describing what's really happening to most people daily's life. 
I can feel the singer singing it with full of emotions because this is a really emotional song and it isn't easy to sing because the song is going by a slow pace and slowly she have to pull her voice. 
This song is saying that why does human fight and hurt each other all the times? and what can you see or get from fighting? It's a really inspiring song i believe? That's why i am cosplaying for the very first time as this character during the up coming AFA's..hehes.

Supercell // The Everlasting Guilty Crown 

This is going to be the last song i am going to share, because i am kinda tired from typing for the past few hours..HAHAS..i am getting lazy now..
The lyrics for this song is to treasure what is right in front of you. Protect what you truly love, and create time for those who are precious to you, you only have one life and you only live once #YOLO . When you overcome the night of sadness, I am sure you will come out holding the strength to live on ( one of the sentence from the lyrics in this song. )
This is also one of the big main reason why i love supercell, all of their lyrics are really meaningful and not only that the singer sing it with their heart and soul. 


They are going to have their concert on the november as well !! I AM SO EXCITED TO GO FOR THEIR CONCERT AS WELL ! I have yet to buy the tickets to their concert but I'll find time to go down and get the tickets in some day next week hehes ! 

Interested in this band ? Do head down to somerset and get the tickets now before they are sold out ! or go to for online booking of tickets. SUPPORT SUPERCELL ♥︎

To end off with, this is the post card which i had forgotten to share on my pervious post, that why i am posting it up now at the last part. 
Sadly, i wasn't one of the lucky few who was lucky enough to get their poster..The requirement to get the poster was to have a stamp behind your post card...Too bad my post card didn't had a stamp, was really looking forward to get one of their poster..BUT ! what has past had passed ! no point dulling in the past. 

I think that todays entry was one of the longest time i had to spent to write up as it really takes up a lot of my time todays hahas but mostly, i hope you guys had a fun time reading like i had fun typing out to share with you guys my inspiration! 
Also i hope that you had enjoy reading the suggested J-pop band which i love. 
I wish that this few bands really inspire you guys like they do to me. 


Thursday 24 October 2013

WATAMI Japanese Casual Restaurant with Oka-san.

みなさん、こんにちは ! Minasan Kon'nichiwa ! = Hello Everyone >

My mummi insisted that I'll have my lunch with her today so we went to the nearest shopping mall which is causeway point to have lunch together...I have chosen to eat at the WATAMI Restaurant which serves Japanese food ! 
i am not quite sure myself why they name it as a Japanese Casual Restaurant HAHAS. You might be wondering what type of food, did i ordered for my lunch? hehes..

Well..I did not had to worry about any budget because it was my mum's treats but i limit myself from ordering such expensive food at the resturant, this way i can help out my mum to save some money hence she do not have to fork out a large sum of money heehees. 

I'm just going to do a short introduction of the place so you guys might be interested to go check this place out! Oh, by the way have fun reading hehes..

The set up is pretty much similar to a chinese and japanese style restaurant. The place is quite comfortable..i must say they deserve some compliment because their services are extremely good! The waiter who served me has great manners and great patience in explaining details while recommending us some food choices. 

This is their main menu..It is all red..

Student's menu.

I had to take this page because the desserts was attractive..

The salad which was served, i must say it tasted not fact it was surprisingly delicious, i loved how their salad has a sauce which taste very unique.

I think this was called the Yuzu Soda? Actually, I don't quite remember the name of the drink..i did not like the taste of this drink because it tasted somehow similar to orange but more to japanese orange flavour? anyway i just don't like anything related to orange HAHAS.

I'll first introduce what my mum had for her lunch. 
This is a Salmon fish course meal which comes with miso soup and a bowl of japan rice. The rice is cooked very soft and tender, it tasted nicer than the rice i eat at home. The miso soup isn't too salty and i feel that the taste is just right. Lastly, the salmon fish cooked is made very delicious ! it's up to the restaurant standard, the fish is cooked soft, just right and has a strong aroma which i can't describe it, you must taste the fish with your own mouth that way you will understand why i say it tasted nice.

This is known as a " Ishiyaki Stamina Don " which is a pork rice with egg yolk in a stone pot. 
Their meat is very tender and easy to chew, i liked how it taste as the meat is similar to the pork meat used in Shabu Shabu.
Do give it a try!! 
The price to be bought by an adult is at : $11.90 but for students you can buy it in student price which only cost : $6.90 . It is a very reasonable price at a japanese restaurant, i don't think you can find such a price at other japanese restaurant, so do try it out. 
** Things to note : Remember to stir it once it is being served as the rice below the meat will get burned very quickly !! ** 
( My rice was burned as i was busying to take pictures instead of start eating..HEHES )

#SELFIES i took after i had finish eating 

My nose look big here..EWWW..

Quote : 
Was our story just a movie for others to judge or was it just a game to you?  

Quote : 
Everyone has their own story. So do not judge others base on their past. 

Last but not least...IT'S DESSERT TIME !! 

This is a green tea ice-cream which has mochi, anko otherwise known as red bean, my favourite strawberry and some cream as toppings, there are some jelly on the bottom, the jelly are kinda tasteless and i didn't quite like them hahas...but overall it tasted not bad. 

My Mummi's Dessert ♥︎♥︎♥︎

It is the combination of vallina ice-cream with anko(redbean)and whip cream as topping, some cereals are also part of the topping to go along witht he ice-cream, originally the ice-cream was supposed to be green tea flavour but my mum requested to change it.   

That's all for today's entry ! 
Do look forward to my next write up on sunday !! STAY TUNE.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Summary;Last day as a secondary 2 student.

To sum up my yesterday it was the so-called the final day of school for most students..but as for me, I still had to return to school today for extra classes because my math teacher had not finish up some chapters..and tomorrow to return back my report book to my form-teacher..sighh..

I do not have anything special to mention on but I did manage to take some pictures after I pleased my friends HAHAS. For us, it is not really counted as " last day of school " because we have to return for holiday practices/rehearsal for our CCA ( co-curricular activities ). 

That is pretty much all the pictures we took? HAHAS..not really counted as a good photo taking session with le classmates TEHEHES. Its alright!
Next year I'm gonna become a upper sec student♥︎ omgg...kinda excited hehes..


Thats all for today's post ! Sorry for the short post HAHAS! BUBYEEE♡♡♡

Monday 21 October 2013

A short school trip - Bowling with le classmates


Le bowling with le classmates today~ 
Today's topic is about bowling which my school had organised for us to enjoy during our school post-exam activities☺️ It was quite a enjoyable day except for the part where we have a nagging instructor...He really can talk a lot..I think he should be a sale person instead of a coach since he talks so much..TEHEHES. 


Couple earpiece((; , mine is blue while my partner one is pink;)) HEHES. 




Quote : WHAT?! // OHMYGOSH?! 


Le Bonjour "?" Pose. KAWAII♡

Le Ballerina Pose. UNGLAMOROUS. 

~Last set of photos are just a few pictures I had taken with my bestfriend☺️

Will promise to blog the inspiring post I mentioned on my pervious post by this Sunday♥︎♥︎ HEHES☺️ SAYONARA!!