Wednesday 23 October 2013

Summary;Last day as a secondary 2 student.

To sum up my yesterday it was the so-called the final day of school for most students..but as for me, I still had to return to school today for extra classes because my math teacher had not finish up some chapters..and tomorrow to return back my report book to my form-teacher..sighh..

I do not have anything special to mention on but I did manage to take some pictures after I pleased my friends HAHAS. For us, it is not really counted as " last day of school " because we have to return for holiday practices/rehearsal for our CCA ( co-curricular activities ). 

That is pretty much all the pictures we took? HAHAS..not really counted as a good photo taking session with le classmates TEHEHES. Its alright!
Next year I'm gonna become a upper sec student♥︎ omgg...kinda excited hehes..


Thats all for today's post ! Sorry for the short post HAHAS! BUBYEEE♡♡♡

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