Friday 20 September 2013

Celebration of late mid-autumn festival.

Annyeonghaseyo ! it has been a few days since i had last update my blog, i am quite busy when school reopened.....Currently..I'm in fact very busy with my school work everyday as my end-of-year [EOY] exam is coming up soon, all my teachers are always rushing through their lessons... it is really exhausting, just one more week to my EOY..i am really nervous, the reason is because i have not even touched on my revision..OHGOSH..i am seriously dead like shit..  

The main reason i am blogging today is mainly because i went out to water front which is near the marsiling to sembawang area?  i think so...i am not too sure myself? hahas. 
Anyway ! the reason why my best friend and me decided to go to such a place today?
i wanted to celebrate the mid-autumn festival with her although it is a late one, hehes..

Both of us, celebrate it together every year it just that we missed the festival yesterday due to our busy schedule. I really wanted to play with the fire crackers and candles but sadly...we went there too early and the sun was really sunny, in the end we left there early. I felt like i was dying under the sun ! THE SUN WAS INSANELY HOT !! but it was okay? i suppose... Although we didn't get to do any of the stuff like that this year but i truly had an enjoyable time with the Qtpie juniors from my best friend school, they were all such a joker ! their jokes made my day♡♡♡ 


Quote of the day; #BornToBeDifferent. 

#P.S. My ez-link card..PHOTO BOMB.

#Flower are simply just naturally a beauty♡

Ignore my fatty legs. Love the effect.  

i love how the photo looks like, it's like there is so much deep meanings in this photo.

There is a edited version of this above photo that i wish to share...

I love how this photo look with the reflected effect.
# sorry, i know i have fat legs and small eyes.*.*
Lastly, do follow me on instagram as well as twitter Also do not forget to like my facebook page or moustache me any questions at

#That is all for today, signing off now ! Byeeeee. Thanks for reading♡♡♡

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