Wednesday 11 September 2013

EIP;Engineering Innovation Programme'2013

Today, is truly an exhausting day for me the timing i had to wake up in the morning caused me to be very dead tired when i reach home, but i am still really looking forward to blog about my day. Although i really wanted to share the buys i had bought at bugis, i shall defer it to tomorrow or either this friday! i am really sorry for that, i will update as soon as possible! so ya do still continue checking out my blog ! 

Back to the main topic, the reason why i was so worn out today was mainly because i had a D&T competition i need to attend at the Republic PolyTechnic (RP) from 10.30am - 5pm, YES ! for god sake, it was a really LONGG DAYY for me, i had to wake up in the early morning at 8.30am to prepare all the stuff and head to the school by 10am to check on all the prototype, laptops and etc. Not only just that i had to take care of most of the stuff, as i was the leader, i had to be reliable, responsible for most of the stuff if somethings goes wrong. 

So, when my teacher-in-charge drove me and my team mates to RP, we went to lvl 3, tower W4 canteen to slack first as our poster had yet to arrive in school. My other team teacher-in-charge had to wait to collect it hence we spent at least an hour drinking and chatting with my teacher at the canteen while the IVP mentor was pestering us, HAHAS, my teacher was quite annoying like in a nice way similarly he always likes to annoy me and make me laugh like a insane person...but at least he was so nice to treat me to a cup of drink. 

When the other team teacher-in-charge called to tell us that he is arriving with the poster, my teacher asked me to head down and remind me to called him when i had gotten the stuff, i was like >.> , i replied with " I must go down arhhh?!" and he stared at me, in the end decided to call my other 2 team mates to head down to get them , unfortunately the event turned about, due to the 2 clumsy person walking the wrong direction and i spotted them, ended up my teacher called me to head down instead quickly to collect them as we had no time to waste! after collecting the posters..etc, we rushed down to level 2 to display our booth.

so this was our poster , let me state first ! i really disliked the orange colour bubble, to begin with it was blue at first but i don't know why it turns out to be orange and i kept annoyed my teacher about it and was told whinny but i really DO NOT LIKE ORANGE T^T !! 
* no offence to those who like orange*
anyway, i design it differently but i do not why it turn out like this, i can't show you the one i had design due to some technical issue.

During the time, when i had to practice my slides i was extremely nervous this was mainly because i wasn't well-prepared at all ! as i was busy doing my own stuff i had forgotten all about it, but i managed to overcome all the difficulties i couldn't do perviously! i practiced a lot during my tea break, while having a chicken pao ( yum yum ) for lunch hehees. 
While getting ready, it was finally time to go into the auditorium/lecturer room, the room was enclosed, so even with a small sound of whispering there will be echoes.  
Let me show you some of the picture to have the image of how the lecturer room looks like. 

Obviously unglamorous ! not gorgeous at all !! HAHAS. 

Tired to edit the photo for a clearer version but it was not edited well as of the low quality of the camera, hehees.
#Photo credits to my photographers ;)

okay, it seems that i am not looking nervous at all in the above picture, but that is definitely NOT TRUEEE i was trembling , i am not lying !! but at least everyone liked my presentation and laughed in the end. As soon as the presentation was over, i asked if there was any questions as it was time for " Q&A" but there was no questions to be asked by the judges, instead they just laugh off . 
My team was the last to present before the tea break, during the tea break i noticed a lot of the secondary school guys staring at me, but they didn't dared to approach me and just came to my booth and walk off HAHAS , SO CUTEEE. 
But the most annoying part was!!!! before the start of the presentation, no mentors was interested in our prototype, i can see that they were all looking down on our school, it was so obvious ERHM~ 
In fact i think i manage to amaze most of the judges, the reason is because after my presentation, most of the mentors came to approach me and compliment me for my good talk, well thank you~ now you can see with your eyes what we are good at, MUHAHAS. BACK TO YOU PEOPLE, BLEHHH. 
* the food was yummy hehes, you will be amaze with what i had ate in total ! do you want to know? ohmygosh, it will be embarrassing but okay...i ate : 
  • 6 cream puff
  • 1 samosa
  • 2 nuggets
  • 1 sotong fishball ? (it tasted really WEIRD, like a mix of fish ball and sotong ball?)
  • some beehoons
The SAMOSA was not niceee :< i think the samosa from Nanyang Poly tasted better. I ate like a piggg today...well i love cream puff so what? HAHAS, oh! i had forgotten to take a picture of the food...the size of the cream puff was similar to the size of a macaroon so don't go about thinking that the cream puff i ate was the size of the human hand palm.

Once the tea break was over from there onwards, we continued with the other schools teams presentation, they were all really good ! 
okay ending off now, i am going to show you a group photo we had taken. 

Next, i am going to show you a edited version i had edit myself. Actually there isn't much differences all i did was just combing the photos.

Bubyeee lovelies readers♡♡♡ i hope you had a great time reading !

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